Today on our journey through Accra, Ghana. We first stopped at the Batik craft house and learned how to make patterns and dye fabric into lovely sheets, blankets, pillowcases, and curtains etc.
I chose to make a blanket that is dyed orange with white elephant and African continent patterns. We used hot wax to sponge the patterns onto the fabric and then we used a combination of hydrogen sulfide and caustic soda to dye them. What a chemistry lesson!
Next we went to lunch at the University of Ghana, which by the way is a lovely campus.
We then went to the W.E.B Dubois museum where we toured his house in Ghana 🇬🇭 (which is the museum ) and his grave site. Interesting fact, his wife was cremated when she died and sits next to him. The ceiling of his burial is made into a web because of his initials (W.E.B) and because the spider is one of the wisest insects.

Mr. Dubois was originally from the United States believed in pan-africanism and the unification of all of Africa. He was a mentor of President Kwame Nkrumah's and a world renowned scholar. Prior to moving to Ghana, W.E.B. Dubois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and was the first African American to graduate with a PhD from Harvard University.

Later, we went to the hotel and hung out at the pool as a group yay. Finally at the end of the day we went to dinner at a restaurant and went salsa dancing but during dinner we talked about are topic for that night which was “what struggles do blacks girls in your school or community face. It was quite an interesting discussion and well needed before we turned in for the night.
Today was a very eventful day!
Erica Shepherd